Bagaces New Town

Bagaces New Town Vision is that of a progressive and modern farm town that takes advantage of the surrounding agricultural industry and the beautiful natural character of the Guanacaste region. The project will be designed according to modern planned community standards, adapted with a rural farm town concept and work-force community concept. The project proposes numerous opportunities for economic development oriented to the agricultural industry and has the advantage of being located along the Pan American Highway. The goal is to inspire an eventual community of 8,000- 10,000 population that will support a New Town. Both private and public incentives will be offered to promote the industry and vitality of this sustainable new community. Specifically, the Industrial and commercial base will be focused on diverse agricultural uses which includes appropriate agricultural crop development, cattle feed, fertilizer production, vine production and other agricultural enterprises. Incentives will be provided to promote corporate development of advanced new technologies in agricultural production, with both public and private collaboration. Other resources may include water bottling (taking advantage of the numerous well sites), exotic wood harvesting and sand mining (utilizing the existing mining operation on-site). This highly sustainable community also proposes a Recycling and Waste to Energy Facility that converts bio-waste to power and fuel.